- ~ Apple Monkey: 專為敏感BB研製的優質營養食品
~ 歐美有機認證, 國際級嚴控種植環境, 確保成分最純淨
~ 不含香港BB最常見的3大易致敏源: 牛奶、麩質、雞蛋
~ 添加6毫克深海魚油, 讓BB享受小吃, 同時增添營養
~ 清淡天然蔬果味, 培養BB進食興趣與味覺發育, 減少偏吃機會
~ 獨立包裝, 方便衞生, 避免重覆伸手入袋而積聚細菌
[食錯野出粒粒, 先至係敏感?]
~ 7成香港BB有敏感症狀, 食物敏感可誘發濕疹、便秘..甚至呼吸道症狀如鼻炎或咳嗽, 長遠影響自身免疫
~ 普遍一般媽媽以為, 食錯野出粒粒, 就是敏感, 以為戒掉就沒事, 其實這正反影了更深層的不正常免疫反應 - 統稱為慢性敏感, 導致體內長期發炎
~ 慢性敏感多源於日常生活, 如飲食選擇、環境衣服用品等, 由於慢性過敏症狀不是立刻發生, 絕大部份的媽媽都未能察覺, 以致延遲處理
~ 首要第一步: 由BB日常進食做起, 天然, 避免進食易致敏源, 如加固進食, 穀物類建議揀選國際有機認證
[見到好多BB食品都話有機, 有啲仲好平, 係咪款款有機都一樣? ]
加固BB進食穀物類, 必須注意重金屬含量, 國際認證最佳
穀物類生長時, 容易吸收重金屬, 有機認證嚴格監管土壤及水質, 國際的有機認證列明種植農作物的土地必須之前連續至少三年只用有機方式養地, 包括禁止基因改造、只用有機肥料等, 確認安全純淨, 但有些國家對有機農地只監管1年, 安全純淨未能符合國際標準, 只能聲稱當地認可
Apple Monkey米穀產品為歐盟及美國有機認證, 國際認可。
~ 要先弄清楚給BB小吃的目的! 如果只以出牙仔磨牙, 那有味無味、有機無機都沒大分別的
~ 但要知道, 加固BB食量尚少, 所以不論正餐或輔食, 更應關注營養吸收、及以培育味蕾發育及進食興趣為基礎
~ 6個月到1歲, BB在這階段味覺發展最靈敏, 給予天然清淡的食物, 能讓BB學習接受各種味道及享受進食的樂趣
~ Apple Monkey採用天然味道, 從小培育正確的飲食觀念, 做個不挑食的健康寶寶~
~ Apple Monkey: A high-quality nutritious food specially developed for sensitive BBs
~ European and American organic certification, strictly controlled growing environment at an international level to ensure the purest ingredients
~ Does not contain the three most common allergens for BBs in Hong Kong: milk, gluten, and eggs
~Added 6 mg of deep-sea fish oil, allowing BB to enjoy snacks while adding nutrition
~Light and natural fruit and vegetable flavor, cultivating BB's interest in eating and taste development, and reducing the chance of partial eating
~Individually packaged, convenient and hygienic, to avoid the accumulation of bacteria caused by repeatedly reaching into the bag
Details Introduction:
[If you eat the wrong food and get grains, what is the first cause of sensitivity?]
~ 70% of Hong Kong BBs have allergy symptoms. Food allergies can induce eczema, constipation... and even respiratory symptoms such as rhinitis or cough, which can affect autoimmunity in the long run
~ Common among ordinary mothers People think that if they eat the wrong food, they are allergic, and they think that they will be fine if they quit. In fact, this reflects a deeper abnormal immune response - collectively called chronic sensitivity, which leads to long-term inflammation in the body
. Chronic sensitivity mostly originates from daily life. Such as dietary choices, environment, clothing, supplies, etc. Since chronic allergic symptoms do not occur immediately, most mothers are not aware of it, resulting in delayed treatment
~ The first step is to start with BB's daily food, naturally, and avoid eating foods that are easy to cause For allergies, such as fortified food, cereals, it is recommended to choose international organic certification
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[When I see a lot of BB foods, they say they are organic, but some of them are pretty good. Are all organic products the same? ]
Strengthen BB When eating cereals, you must pay attention to the content of heavy metals. Internationally certified
cereals are easy to absorb heavy metals when growing. Organic certification strictly monitors soil and water quality. International organic certification states that the land where crops are grown must have been grown using only organic methods for at least three consecutive years. The organic farmland, including prohibiting genetic modification and only using organic fertilizers, is confirmed to be safe and pure. However, some countries only supervise organic farmland for one year. The safety and purity of organic farmland fail to meet international standards. They can only claim that the local recognition of
Apple Monkey rice products is EU and US organic certification, internationally recognized.
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[Is tasteless the best?]
~ You must first clarify the purpose of giving snacks to your baby! If it is only for teething, then there is no big difference between odorless, odorless, organic and inorganic
~ But you must know that the food intake of fortified BB is still small, so whether it is a regular meal or complementary food, more attention should be paid to nutrient absorption, and based on cultivating the development of taste buds and interest in eating
~ 6 months to 1 year old, BB's taste development is most sensitive at this stage, so give Natural and light food allows BB to learn to accept various flavors and enjoy eating
~ Apple Monkey uses natural flavors to cultivate correct dietary concepts from an early age and become a healthy baby who is not picky about food~
[食錯野出粒粒, 先至係敏感?]
7成香港BB有敏感症狀, 食物敏感可誘發濕疹、便秘..甚至呼吸道症狀如鼻炎或咳嗽, 長遠影響自身免疫
普遍一般媽媽以為, 食錯野出粒粒, 就是敏感, 以為戒掉就沒事, 其實這正反影了更深層的不正常免疫反應 - 統稱為慢性敏感, 導致體內長期發炎
慢性敏感多源於日常生活, 如飲食選擇、環境衣服用品等, 由於慢性過敏症狀不是立刻發生, 絕大部份的媽媽都未能察覺, 以致延遲處理
首要第一步: 由BB日常進食做起, 天然, 避免進食易致敏源, 如加固進食, 穀物類建議揀選國際有機認證
[見到好多BB食品都話有機, 有啲仲好平, 係咪款款有機都一樣? ]
加固BB進食穀物類, 必須注意重金屬含量, 國際認證最佳
穀物類生長時, 容易吸收重金屬, 有機認證嚴格監管土壤及水質, 國際的有機認證列明種植農作物的土地必須之前連續至少三年只用有機方式養地, 包括禁止基因改造、只用有機肥料等, 確認安全純淨, 但有些國家對有機農地只監管1年, 安全純淨未能符合國際標準, 只能聲稱當地認可
Apple Monkey米穀產品為歐盟及美國有機認證, 國際認可。
要先弄清楚給BB小吃的目的! 如果只以出牙仔磨牙, 那有味無味、有機無機都沒大分別的
但要知道, 加固BB食量尚少, 所以不論正餐或輔食, 更應關注營養吸收、及以培育味蕾發育及進食興趣為基礎
6個月到1歲, BB在這階段味覺發展最靈敏, 給予天然清淡的食物, 能讓BB學習接受各種味道及享受進食的樂趣
Apple Monkey採用天然味道, 從小培育正確的飲食觀念, 做個不挑食的健康寶寶~
Original Price
- ~ Apple Monkey: 專為敏感BB研製的優質營養食品
~ 歐美有機認證, 國際級嚴控種植環境, 確保成分最純淨
~ 不含香港BB最常見的3大易致敏源: 牛奶、麩質、雞蛋
~ 添加6毫克深海魚油, 讓BB享受小吃, 同時增添營養
~ 清淡天然蔬果味, 培養BB進食興趣與味覺發育, 減少偏吃機會
~ 獨立包裝, 方便衞生, 避免重覆伸手入袋而積聚細菌
[食錯野出粒粒, 先至係敏感?]
~ 7成香港BB有敏感症狀, 食物敏感可誘發濕疹、便秘..甚至呼吸道症狀如鼻炎或咳嗽, 長遠影響自身免疫
~ 普遍一般媽媽以為, 食錯野出粒粒, 就是敏感, 以為戒掉就沒事, 其實這正反影了更深層的不正常免疫反應 - 統稱為慢性敏感, 導致體內長期發炎
~ 慢性敏感多源於日常生活, 如飲食選擇、環境衣服用品等, 由於慢性過敏症狀不是立刻發生, 絕大部份的媽媽都未能察覺, 以致延遲處理
~ 首要第一步: 由BB日常進食做起, 天然, 避免進食易致敏源, 如加固進食, 穀物類建議揀選國際有機認證
[見到好多BB食品都話有機, 有啲仲好平, 係咪款款有機都一樣? ]
加固BB進食穀物類, 必須注意重金屬含量, 國際認證最佳
穀物類生長時, 容易吸收重金屬, 有機認證嚴格監管土壤及水質, 國際的有機認證列明種植農作物的土地必須之前連續至少三年只用有機方式養地, 包括禁止基因改造、只用有機肥料等, 確認安全純淨, 但有些國家對有機農地只監管1年, 安全純淨未能符合國際標準, 只能聲稱當地認可
Apple Monkey米穀產品為歐盟及美國有機認證, 國際認可。
~ 要先弄清楚給BB小吃的目的! 如果只以出牙仔磨牙, 那有味無味、有機無機都沒大分別的
~ 但要知道, 加固BB食量尚少, 所以不論正餐或輔食, 更應關注營養吸收、及以培育味蕾發育及進食興趣為基礎
~ 6個月到1歲, BB在這階段味覺發展最靈敏, 給予天然清淡的食物, 能讓BB學習接受各種味道及享受進食的樂趣
~ Apple Monkey採用天然味道, 從小培育正確的飲食觀念, 做個不挑食的健康寶寶~
~ Apple Monkey: A high-quality nutritious food specially developed for sensitive BBs
~ European and American organic certification, strictly controlled growing environment at an international level to ensure the purest ingredients
~ Does not contain the three most common allergens for BBs in Hong Kong: milk, gluten, and eggs
~Added 6 mg of deep-sea fish oil, allowing BB to enjoy snacks while adding nutrition
~Light and natural fruit and vegetable flavor, cultivating BB's interest in eating and taste development, and reducing the chance of partial eating
~Individually packaged, convenient and hygienic, to avoid the accumulation of bacteria caused by repeatedly reaching into the bag
Details Introduction:
[If you eat the wrong food and get grains, what is the first cause of sensitivity?]
~ 70% of Hong Kong BBs have allergy symptoms. Food allergies can induce eczema, constipation... and even respiratory symptoms such as rhinitis or cough, which can affect autoimmunity in the long run
~ Common among ordinary mothers People think that if they eat the wrong food, they are allergic, and they think that they will be fine if they quit. In fact, this reflects a deeper abnormal immune response - collectively called chronic sensitivity, which leads to long-term inflammation in the body
. Chronic sensitivity mostly originates from daily life. Such as dietary choices, environment, clothing, supplies, etc. Since chronic allergic symptoms do not occur immediately, most mothers are not aware of it, resulting in delayed treatment
~ The first step is to start with BB's daily food, naturally, and avoid eating foods that are easy to cause For allergies, such as fortified food, cereals, it is recommended to choose international organic certification
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[When I see a lot of BB foods, they say they are organic, but some of them are pretty good. Are all organic products the same? ]
Strengthen BB When eating cereals, you must pay attention to the content of heavy metals. Internationally certified
cereals are easy to absorb heavy metals when growing. Organic certification strictly monitors soil and water quality. International organic certification states that the land where crops are grown must have been grown using only organic methods for at least three consecutive years. The organic farmland, including prohibiting genetic modification and only using organic fertilizers, is confirmed to be safe and pure. However, some countries only supervise organic farmland for one year. The safety and purity of organic farmland fail to meet international standards. They can only claim that the local recognition of
Apple Monkey rice products is EU and US organic certification, internationally recognized.
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[Is tasteless the best?]
~ You must first clarify the purpose of giving snacks to your baby! If it is only for teething, then there is no big difference between odorless, odorless, organic and inorganic
~ But you must know that the food intake of fortified BB is still small, so whether it is a regular meal or complementary food, more attention should be paid to nutrient absorption, and based on cultivating the development of taste buds and interest in eating
~ 6 months to 1 year old, BB's taste development is most sensitive at this stage, so give Natural and light food allows BB to learn to accept various flavors and enjoy eating
~ Apple Monkey uses natural flavors to cultivate correct dietary concepts from an early age and become a healthy baby who is not picky about food~
[食錯野出粒粒, 先至係敏感?]
7成香港BB有敏感症狀, 食物敏感可誘發濕疹、便秘..甚至呼吸道症狀如鼻炎或咳嗽, 長遠影響自身免疫
普遍一般媽媽以為, 食錯野出粒粒, 就是敏感, 以為戒掉就沒事, 其實這正反影了更深層的不正常免疫反應 - 統稱為慢性敏感, 導致體內長期發炎
慢性敏感多源於日常生活, 如飲食選擇、環境衣服用品等, 由於慢性過敏症狀不是立刻發生, 絕大部份的媽媽都未能察覺, 以致延遲處理
首要第一步: 由BB日常進食做起, 天然, 避免進食易致敏源, 如加固進食, 穀物類建議揀選國際有機認證
[見到好多BB食品都話有機, 有啲仲好平, 係咪款款有機都一樣? ]
加固BB進食穀物類, 必須注意重金屬含量, 國際認證最佳
穀物類生長時, 容易吸收重金屬, 有機認證嚴格監管土壤及水質, 國際的有機認證列明種植農作物的土地必須之前連續至少三年只用有機方式養地, 包括禁止基因改造、只用有機肥料等, 確認安全純淨, 但有些國家對有機農地只監管1年, 安全純淨未能符合國際標準, 只能聲稱當地認可
Apple Monkey米穀產品為歐盟及美國有機認證, 國際認可。
要先弄清楚給BB小吃的目的! 如果只以出牙仔磨牙, 那有味無味、有機無機都沒大分別的
但要知道, 加固BB食量尚少, 所以不論正餐或輔食, 更應關注營養吸收、及以培育味蕾發育及進食興趣為基礎
6個月到1歲, BB在這階段味覺發展最靈敏, 給予天然清淡的食物, 能讓BB學習接受各種味道及享受進食的樂趣
Apple Monkey採用天然味道, 從小培育正確的飲食觀念, 做個不挑食的健康寶寶~