Infacol 絞肚痛緩解滴劑,英國排名第一的舒緩嬰兒腸胃不適滴劑*
初生 0+ 即可以使用
研究支持 效果驚人
– 97% 嬰兒減少不適哭鬧
– 80% 嬰兒睡得更好
– 8/10 嬰兒更容易排走肚風
– 90% 能有效減少肚肚疼痛
– 70%感覺到即日見效
– 90%能有效舒緩腸道不適問題
Infacol 原來是幫助肚中小氣泡結合成更大的氣泡,令脹氣能更快的排出體外,幫助減輕肚痛和不適
每 1ml 口服液含 40mg 西甲矽油(Simethicone)
還包含:純淨水、羥丙甲纖維素、橙味香料、糖精鈉、羥基苯甲酸甲酯 (E218) 和羥基苯甲酸丙酯 (E216)
1. 搖瓶
2. 擠壓橡膠球兩次,將一滴管吸滿。將多餘的部分擦到瓶子裡
3. 將滴劑滴於嬰兒的舌底 讓嬰兒自己吞食即可
Infacol 具有漸進作用,這意味著給寶寶服用幾天能達到最佳效果
如果 3 到 4 天后嬰兒絞痛沒有好轉,您可以將劑量增加到兩個滴管(1 毫升)。
– INFACOL 不會引起任何不良影響
– 羥基苯甲酸甲酯和羥基苯甲酸丙酯可能引起過敏反應
– 如果您認為您的寶寶可能對任何成分過敏,請在服用 INFACOL 之前諮詢您的醫生
– 如果症狀沒有改善,請尋求醫療建議。
Infacol Colic Relief Drops, the UK's No.1 drop for soothing baby gastrointestinal discomfort*
Can be used from birth 0+ to
relieve baby's intestinal wind, intestinal bloating and colic
Research-backed results are amazing
– 97% Babies cry less in discomfort
– 80% Babies sleep better
– 8/10 Babies pass tummy troubles more easily
– 90% Effective in reducing tummy pain
– 70% Feel immediate results
– 90% Can effectively relieve intestinal discomfort
Infacol helps small gas bubbles in the stomach to combine into larger bubbles, allowing flatulence to be discharged from the body faster, helping to relieve stomach pain and discomfort.
Clinically proven to gradually take effect after use, continued use can prevent further accumulation of flatulence and stomach wind
Each 1ml oral solution contains 40mg of simethicone.
It also contains: purified water, hypromellose, orange flavor, sodium saccharin, methyl hydroxybenzoate (E218) and propyl hydroxybenzoate (E216).
Use one drop before each meal
1. Shake bottle
2. Squeeze rubber bulb twice to fill one dropper. Wipe the excess into the bottle.
3. Put the drops on the bottom of the baby's tongue and let the baby swallow it.
Infacol has a gradual effect, which means that you give it to your baby over a few days to achieve the best results.
If your baby's colic doesn't get better after 3 to 4 days, you can increase the dose to two droppers (1 ml).
– INFACOL does not cause any adverse effects
– Methylparaben and Propylparaben may cause allergic reactions
– If you think your baby may be allergic to any of the ingredients, consult your doctor before taking INFACOL
– If symptoms do not Improvement, please seek medical advice.
Original Price
Infacol 絞肚痛緩解滴劑,英國排名第一的舒緩嬰兒腸胃不適滴劑*
初生 0+ 即可以使用
研究支持 效果驚人
– 97% 嬰兒減少不適哭鬧
– 80% 嬰兒睡得更好
– 8/10 嬰兒更容易排走肚風
– 90% 能有效減少肚肚疼痛
– 70%感覺到即日見效
– 90%能有效舒緩腸道不適問題
Infacol 原來是幫助肚中小氣泡結合成更大的氣泡,令脹氣能更快的排出體外,幫助減輕肚痛和不適
每 1ml 口服液含 40mg 西甲矽油(Simethicone)
還包含:純淨水、羥丙甲纖維素、橙味香料、糖精鈉、羥基苯甲酸甲酯 (E218) 和羥基苯甲酸丙酯 (E216)
1. 搖瓶
2. 擠壓橡膠球兩次,將一滴管吸滿。將多餘的部分擦到瓶子裡
3. 將滴劑滴於嬰兒的舌底 讓嬰兒自己吞食即可
Infacol 具有漸進作用,這意味著給寶寶服用幾天能達到最佳效果
如果 3 到 4 天后嬰兒絞痛沒有好轉,您可以將劑量增加到兩個滴管(1 毫升)。
– INFACOL 不會引起任何不良影響
– 羥基苯甲酸甲酯和羥基苯甲酸丙酯可能引起過敏反應
– 如果您認為您的寶寶可能對任何成分過敏,請在服用 INFACOL 之前諮詢您的醫生
– 如果症狀沒有改善,請尋求醫療建議。
Infacol Colic Relief Drops, the UK's No.1 drop for soothing baby gastrointestinal discomfort*
Can be used from birth 0+ to
relieve baby's intestinal wind, intestinal bloating and colic
Research-backed results are amazing
– 97% Babies cry less in discomfort
– 80% Babies sleep better
– 8/10 Babies pass tummy troubles more easily
– 90% Effective in reducing tummy pain
– 70% Feel immediate results
– 90% Can effectively relieve intestinal discomfort
Infacol helps small gas bubbles in the stomach to combine into larger bubbles, allowing flatulence to be discharged from the body faster, helping to relieve stomach pain and discomfort.
Clinically proven to gradually take effect after use, continued use can prevent further accumulation of flatulence and stomach wind
Each 1ml oral solution contains 40mg of simethicone.
It also contains: purified water, hypromellose, orange flavor, sodium saccharin, methyl hydroxybenzoate (E218) and propyl hydroxybenzoate (E216).
Use one drop before each meal
1. Shake bottle
2. Squeeze rubber bulb twice to fill one dropper. Wipe the excess into the bottle.
3. Put the drops on the bottom of the baby's tongue and let the baby swallow it.
Infacol has a gradual effect, which means that you give it to your baby over a few days to achieve the best results.
If your baby's colic doesn't get better after 3 to 4 days, you can increase the dose to two droppers (1 ml).
– INFACOL does not cause any adverse effects
– Methylparaben and Propylparaben may cause allergic reactions
– If you think your baby may be allergic to any of the ingredients, consult your doctor before taking INFACOL
– If symptoms do not Improvement, please seek medical advice.